Dateline: 9.27.11
Of the 23 Corvettes Edmonds picked, vote for your favorite at the end of this post!

Back on September 14, 2011 we shared with you the results of Chevrolet’s Centennial birthday celebration popularity contest to find the most popular Chevrolet of all-time. Like American Idol or Dancing With the Stars, the Greatest Chevy contest was a popularity contest. Certainly an argument could be made as to why the C6 ZR1 is the greatest Chevy of all-time because of its overall performance, the LS9 engine, top speed, etc. But that’s not what Chevrolet wanted to know. They wanted to know what was the most “favorite” Chevy of the last 100 years.
Well it seems that the people at decided to draw up their own list of great Chevys. The 100 top Chevys list isn’t limited to production Chevrolet cars, but includes, race cars, prototypes, and show cars. Of the 100 cars in the list, 23 were Corvettes! Pretty impressive for a low-volumn, limited usage automobile. The list doesn’t appear to be in any specific order and there’s a slide show of all 100 cars too. Also, the story does not explain how this list was drawn up. Regardless, it’s interesting just the same. To review the Edmonds story, CLICK HERE.
Here are the 23 Corvettes:
1. 1953 Corvette – The First Corvette.
2. 1955 265 V8 Corvette – The first V8 Vette.
3. 1957 Fuel Injected Corvette – The First Fuelie Corvette
4. 1956 SR-2 Corvette Race Car
5. 1957 Corvette SS Race Car
6. 1959 Stingray Racer – Bill Mitchell’s race car playtoy
7. 1960 CERV I
8. 1963 Production Corvette Sting Ray Split-Window Coupe
9. 1963 Grand Sport Corvette Race Car
10. 1965 Mako Shark II Show Car
11. 1965 396 Big-Block Corvette – The first big-block Vette.
12. 1967 L-88 Corvette Racer Kit
13. 1969 ZL-1 All-Aluminum 427 Corvette
14. 1970-1/2 LT-1 Corvette
15. 1971 ZR-2 Corvette Racer Kit
16. 1984 Corvette
17. 1990 ZR-1 Corvette
18. 1997 Corvette – The First C5 Corvette.
19. 1999 C5-R Corvette Race Car – The First fully-supported factory racing Corvette.
20. 2001 Z06 Corvette
21. 2005 C6.R Corvette
22. 2006 Z06 Corvette – The first “427 Corvette” since 1969.
23. 2009 ZR1 Corvette – The most powerful production engine EVER made in Detroit.
There you have it! But what you you think? If you think there’s a particular Corvette MISSING from Edmonds list, let us know by using the “Leave a Comment” box at the bottom of this post.
Also, we thought it would be fun to ask our readers what they think is “The Best Vette Ever.” We started with the Edmond list and added a few other cars to round out the selection to 25 cars. If you think something is missing, let us know So, we invite you to go to the polls and CAST YOUR VOTE! Have fun! – Scott
PS – COMING SOON!!! We will be launching a new section here at called, “ Polls” that will have ALL of the “polls” we have posted.

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