The Derrick Russell Teeters I Knew


Greetings, this is K. Scott Teeters. I am Derrick Russell Teeters’ “Uncle Scott”. I am creating this page mostly for my nephew’s children, Jesse and Jessica, and Derrick’s wife, Tina.

The Derrick I knew was very different from the man his immediate family knew.

Derrick’s father, Bob Teeters (my brother), is seven years older than me. Just after Christmas 1965, Bob went to California to seek his fortune. He didn’t find a fortune; he found a lovely wife, Irene Framenni. They married quickly and before they knew it, Derrick was on the way.

In October 1968 Bob and Irene moved back to New Jersey to live with my Mom (Marty Fetzer) and my step-father, Russell Fetzer. Derrick was born on April 16, 1968, and the whole family was happy. He had his Mom and Dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles, great-grandparents, and great-aunts and uncles who were all excited about his birth.

Derrick was a very good baby. He didn’t cry much and laughed a lot. As a toddler and adolescent, he was a very sweet, sensitive child. My mother and stepfather were “Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop” to Derrick and his younger sister, Cherise. “The Kids,” as we called them, spent lots and lots of time at their grandparents’ house.

When I was in high school, my mother worked half-days on Wednesdays and typically had The Kids for the afternoon. When I’d come home from school, I was always greeted with, “UN-CLE SCOTTY!!!” before they’d crash into me.

As the years went by, Bob and Irene’s marriage was strained and they fought a lot, and too often in front of The Kids. When the end of the marriage finally came, Derrick did NOT take it well. That’s when his troubles with the Law began.

He was around 14 years old when Derrick, Cherise, and their Mom moved to California and later Arizona. I did not see Derrick again until 2015 when he took a bus trip to Florida to see his Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. 

From the time he left New Jersey, around 1982, to when I last saw him in 2025, I was always aware of his circumstances, via updates from his father. He wasn’t the same sweet kid I knew.

Below are photos that I have in my family photos collection. There are more photos of Derrick from when he was a little kid that are part of my Mom’s photo collection that I haven’t yet scanned. Mom (your great-grandmother) died on September 26, 2023, from a massive stroke, She was almost 96 years old.

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to talk. I can be reached at…

Sincerely, Uncle Scott (aka, K. Scott Teeters)


Circa 1972 in an apartment complex in Millville, New Jersey. Looks like a nice spring day in Jersey. Derrick is around 3 years old and Cherise is around 2 years old.
Circa 1973. Nantucket Island was a special place for your grandmother (Irene). She spent many summers there with her family. This was a big trip from New Jersey to visit their Mom’s special place.
Circa 1974. That’s The Kids with their Pop Pop (Russ Fetzer). He was strict, but he sure loved them, and they loved him right back.
Mom Mom and Pop Pop’s house was a small, 2-bedroom bungalow they bought in 1966. In 1971, Russ (with help from family and friends) built “The Room” (addition) to the back of the house. The Room also had a Bar, so The Room became the new center of the house.
April 1975, Derrick’s 6th birthday. His mom (Irene) was into making specialty cakes for all occasions. She was a real sweetheart. The whole family loved her.
Circa, late 1975, Derrick’s 2nd grade photo. He sure loved weekends with his grandparents and big family dinners.
Christmas season 1976. Having fun with Santa.
Circa late 1976. Derrick’s 3rd grade class photo. No buzz cuts then. Long hair was the order of the day.
This is “The Bar” part of “The Room”. A LOT of booze was consumed there. Derrick is holding on to a copy of my very first published piece of car art that I was paid for. Uncle Scotty was in a car magazine! Cherise looks like she’s barely holding on.
Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop’s 2-bedroom bungalow house had a small living room, off the kitchen. On the outside wall of the living room was an enormous stone fireplace. It was bigger than the sofa. Everyone had to get their picture taken in front of the fireplace. Even The Kids.
Russ Fetzer’s birthday (Pop Pop) was January 4. Everyone knew that for Russ, “Crown Royal” was the best whiskey in the world. If he offered you, Crown Royal, that meant he REALLY liked you. Everyone else got Calvert Extra. “Crown Royal” had a big presence in Mom Mom and Pop Pop’s house. Even The Kids were in on the fun of seeing Pop Pop get his favorite whiskey.
It’s still Pop Pop’s birthday party. The smiling woman on the left is Aunt Ethel. She is my mother’s, mother’s sister; which made Aunt Ethel my “great” aunt. She was an outstanding person, fun to be around, and a darn good gook! And of course, Derrick on the right, hamming it up!
July 1976. In Mom Mom and Pop Pop’s back yard was a 15′ x 30′ above-ground pool with an aluminum walk-around deck. In the summer, the pool was the center of attention. Sunday dinners were common too. Pop Pop was a strong man and a genuine tough guy.
November 1976, Cherise’s birthday party at Mom Mom and Pop Pop’s house. Irene was still into making specialty cakes.
Irene (your grandmother) was beautiful outside and inside. She sure loved her children and her New Jersey family. Even after Irene and Bob divorced in the early 80s, Irene was still family.
In September 1976, Derrick would have been entering the 3rd grade. This photo was taken at Aunt Cora’s house. Cora was my grandmother’s (on my father’s side) sister. Technically, making Cora my great-aunt. We had a lot of sweethearts in the family and Cora was definitely one of them.
Left-to-right: Irene (your grandmother), Mary “Mame” Huntsman (my father’s mother, my grandmother), and Derrick. Mame was adored by everyone, family and friends. She moved with my grandfather (Grand Pop) to California in 1966. This was one of her many “trips back home” to visit her family and friends. She died around 1998, age around 93.
January 1977, Russ (pop Pop) Fetzer’s birthday. Nothing made him happier than football and Crown Royal. From August to February, every weekend and Thursday nights; it was FOOTBALL! Irene (your grandmother) made the football cake.
January 1977, Pop Pop’s birthday. The second most popular place in the house was the Kitchen. This shot is at the kitchen table, looking towards the side door entrance.
By 1982 I was married to my first wife, Bobbie and living in a townhouse in Marlton, New Jersey. One day, Irene (your grandmother), Cherise, and Derrick visited us before moving to California for a fresh start.
Irene sure did love her children. I last saw Irene in the late 80s during one of my trips to California. She had a lot of rough times, but always stayed her same sweet self.