1962 – Semon “Bunkie” Knudsen argues his case to GM’s top management for a special Corvette exemption from the 1957 AMA Racing Ban.


by Scott Teeters as written for Vette Vues
Timeline Tales: December 19, 1962 – Semon “Bunkie” Knudsen argues his case to GM’s top management for a special Corvette exemption from the 1957 AMA Racing Ban

Dateline December 2015: Semon “Bunkie” Knudsen was an unusual corporate executive. His dad was William “Big Bill” Knudsen, General Manager of Chevrolet then President of General Motors before WW II. But his son didn’t get many breaks. When his dad gave him a car, it was in pieces that Bunkie had to put back together. During summer breaks from college, the young Knudsen worked on a Pontiac assembly line. Continue reading

1962 – Semon “Bunkie” Knudsen argues his case to GM’s top management for a special Corvette exemption from the 1957 AMA Racing Ban.”